Meet our Founder, Dr. Sinéad Corrigan
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the California Institute of Integral Studies, 2021
NCCAOM Certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Acupuncturist & Board Certified Herbalist)
B.A., The Biophysics of Preventative Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2013
200hr Bija Hot Yoga Instructor via Monica Shannon, 2009
KRI 200hr Kundalini Yoga Instructor via Hardarshan Khalsa, 2012
50hr Restorative Yoga training with Julee Snyder, 2014
Universal Healing Tao Qi Gong Instructor, 2016
100hr Meridian Yoga Therapy training with Science of Self NYC, 2021
Sinead has 10+ years of yoga teaching experience and has been practicing since 2006. She has studied Bikram, Hatha, Kundalini, Restorative, Dao Yin, and Ashtanga yoga extensively, including 4 years of practice with Magnolia Zuniga of the former MysoreSF, as well as studies in Mysore, India.
Sinead began practicing Qigong in China while studying abroad and has been practicing the Universal Healing Tao Qigong system of Mantak Chia since 2010. She has 5+ years of qigong teaching experience and has attended yearly summer qigong intensive retreats since 2013. In 2014, she began studying TaiChi and Wushu Martial Arts with Master Zhang Hong Mei of Pacific Wushu in San Francisco. In 2020, she also began studying with Qigong Master Robert Peng.
Her teaching and movement style is also heavily inspired by Gaga Movement Language of Ohad Naharin. She has spent 5 summers attending the American Dance Festival taking 5-6 weeks of daily Gaga class each year, in addition to three months of independent study in TelAviv, Israel, as well as the GagaLab Winter Intensive program.
Since 2009, she has attended yearly silent Buddhist meditation retreats with teachers such as Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Gelek Chodha, Venerable Robina, Lama Gursam, Brendan Kennedy (Dzogchen), Michael Taft, and more.
Her teachings and medical practice are inspired by Buddhist philosophy and the deep insights offered by yoga, qigong, and meditation. Her wish is to free the mind & realize our True Nature.
As a dancer and a musician, Sinead is also passionate about helping patients and students connect to their own Creativity & joy of self-expression as a form of self-healing!
Born to a professional bodybuilder and a computer-software CEO, Sinéad has a passion for bringing algorithmic thinking to health program development in the realms of body-sensing, health optimization, athletic performance, preventative medicine, and meditation. Sinéad’s goal is to utilize her knowledge of Chinese Medicine combined with modern Integrative Medicine research and her extensive Yoga & Qigong practice base to create “Embodied Education” for self-healing, lifestyle transformation, reconnection to Creativity, conscious sexuality, and healing our environment via greater self-awareness of the body’s relationship to the Earth and to Nature.
Subscribe to Inner Body Data with Sinead on YouTube for free yoga, qigong, and Embodied Chinese Medicine education!
IN 2010, I TRAVELED TO KUNMING, CHINA ON A STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM. It was here that I first experienced the sensation of “qi”. My classmates and I attended daily Tai Chi as part of our immersive Traditional Chinese Medicine program. One day, we were asked to stand in a very low squat, arms holding an imaginary beach ball, spine long and relaxed. “I run college track,” I thought to myself, “this will be easy.” Ten minutes pass, and I’m starting to shake. Most of my classmates have come out of the stance. I am determined to stay. Suddenly, just as I think the muscle fibers in my legs might explode, all pain left my body, and I felt as if I were floating. A smile came across my face. I had discovered a new trick. I wanted to learn more….